Self-care helps others during COVID

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Thinking about others and taking action is primary in self-care during COVID.

COVID-19 has peaked during these past few months. Over 5.21 million people have been infected with the virus in the U.S. This is the chance for all Armijo students to protect themselves and others by keeping up with self-care.

One good example of practicing good self-care is always wearing a mask when exposed to the public. This prevents germs from spreading, especially from the mouth and nose. This also applies to people who already have the virus. Infected people who wear a mask are less likely to spread their germs to others, which is why students are encouraged to wear a mask. This information can be supported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) at

Another example of taking action for good self-care is washing your hands with soap throughout the day, each time for more than 10 seconds. Another option can be to have a sanitizer close, one that contains at least 60% alcohol. This method helps by killing tons of bad germs.

Another recommendation, especially when in public, is to practice social distancing. This practice, when used effectively, can keep people from spreading the germs that cause the virus. While a minimum of six feet is recommended, some evidence suggests that more distance might be more beneficial.

While self-care is important when out and about in public, it can also be significant at home. A great example of this can be frequently disinfecting objects used around the house. This helps prevent germs from spreading and protects others in the household from this and other harmful viruses (

When considering yourself and others, take action in your self-care routine. We can stop the virus if we take action.