Seven days to show kindness
Be Kind to Humankind Week – August 25 – 31
United Nations COVID-19 Response
One act of kindness, on thoughtful word, can bring about a hundred smiles in time.
It was the story of two men involved in a boating accident that encouraged Lorraine Jara to create Be Kind to Humankind Week (BK2HK). In 1988, there were two men on an overturned boat, clinging to life while other boaters passed by without offering help. While the men were eventually rescued, one of the pair died.
“I was so devastated after reading this article that I felt something had to be done in honor and memory of the deceased young man. I phoned his family and asked permission to have a memorial erected in a park where he lived, and understandably they thanked me but refused. They were too grief stricken to think about it,” said Jara ( That gave her the idea of creating BK2HK, which has grown to a worldwide celebration.
Like many great movements, there are some daily guidelines that you are encouraged to practice:
- Touch-A-Heart Tuesday (August 25)– Spread kindness, one heart at a time. Encourage others in their dreams and goals. Offer to babysit for a couple you know so they can have a night for themselves.
- Willing-To-Lend-A-Hand Wednesday (August 26)– Offer a helping hand. Offer to watch a neighbor’s house while they are on vacation and water their lawn and feed their pets. Offering to give a friend a ride to work is also a way to help.
- Thoughtful Thursday (August 27)– Treat each other well. Offer your bus seat to someone who looks like they may need to sit down. If you’re out shopping allow someone with fewer items to cut in front of you at the checkout.
- Forgive-Your-Foe Friday (August 28)– Come together. Contact the person in your life with whom you’ve let a disagreement divide you. The power of a sincere apology is worth more to an individual than never resolving issues.
- Speak-Nice-Words Saturday (August 29)– Say something nice. Hold your tongue when tempted to be harsh. Teach your children to speak kindly towards others and they will grow into friendly, respectful adults.
- Sacrifice Our Wants for Others’ Needs Sunday (August 30)– Show others you care. Do you know someone who is unable to leave the house due to health issues? Offer to run errands or pick up groceries. Then stay for a visit. Friends with limited mobility enjoy offers of companionship for a walk in the fresh air. Even an opportunity to see family in a nursing home will help to meet others’ needs.
- Motorist Consideration Monday (August 31)– Drive or travel courteously. Whether traveling by car or motorcycle, bicycle or public transportation, practice consideration and patience.
BK2HK “is basically “a week of reflection and kind thoughts of others to make this world a better place. Of course we suggest practicing kindness daily, but this is the week you can take,” said Lara ( Are you up to the challenge as we wrap up August?