It’s all about the service

National Nonprofit Day – August 17

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Follow your passion rather than follow the money.

“The Tariff Act of 1894 signed into law on August 17, imposed the first federal income tax on corporations, which included exemptions for nonprofit corporations and charitable institutions,” according to ”With a few modifications, nonprofit exemptions remain a solid part of the law and have served significant benefits, both for communities and the economy.”

Nonprofits are an important, although often overlooked, part of our society. They are exempt from several taxes, but that is because they are working to create a platform for volunteers and others who can benefit from the services they can offer. Although the Tariff Act was signed more than 125 years ago, it wasn’t until more recently when author Sherita J. Herring used August 17 to create National Nonprofit Day as a way to recognize those who contribute to the success of nonprofits.

Some of the more popular nonprofits locally include the Solano Community Foundation (, The Hope Project ( and Connections for Life ( These organizations help organizations, children and the disabled, while other local nonprofits serve veterans, the homeless and more. offers five ways that you can acknowledge #NationalNonprofitDay, besides including that hashtag on your share on social media.

1. Thank volunteers and give something away

2. Use the celebration to build social media content

3. Seize the opportunity to launch a new initiative

4. Highlight important stories, volunteers, and donations

5. Make full use of the coming hashtags

Want to know more about these suggestions? Go to for details, and then go ahead and celebrate.