Winter Formal location and price changes, fun remains the same

Guest bids due by Wednesday, December 7

There are so many things to look forward to in December. Cool presents, festive drinks at Starbucks, and the holiday spirit are just some of the highlights of this time of the year, but we all know that this is also the last stretch for school, and that often takes away from all the excitement in December. Students get all their work turned in, study extra hard for their final exams, and just try to finish the semester strong. This grind time is often dreaded, but school isn’t completely ruined. There is one thing that we can actually be excited about: the Winter Formal on Saturday, December 10 from 7 – 10 pm.

ASB officer Diana Souki is head of  the Winter Formal Committee in the leadership class. While discussing the event, Souki showed much enthusiasm. When asked about what she’s most excited for, Souki responded, “Everything! I’m really excited to see it all come together. We’ve been making sure we advertise a lot, and we’ve been working hard on decorations.”

This dance was originally scheduled for the Fairfield Community Center but has been moved to the Armijo gym, which means a drop in ticket prices, originally $20 but now $10.Students with a Gold Card do get in free but they must get a ticket in advance. Souki encouraged people to go because “it’s just a fun time to be able to spend with your friends…It’s going to be different from our other dances, so it’ll be good to see.”

The dance will be a different experience compared to dances in the past. Kikuye Fujii, part of the planning committee, noted the formality of the event. “This one is supposed to actually be really formal, so it will be fun for people to actually dress up.” For those who are turned off by the costs that come along with attending prom, going to this event would be a great alternative. In addition, there will be a photobooth and DJ to contribute the fun atmosphere.

To encourage attendance and build up anticipation for the event, the Leadership Class is promoting its Winter Formal “Proposal” Contest. If a person is asking someone in a cute or creative way, he/she is encouraged to post it on Twitter and tag the Armijo Activity Info page (@Armijo_ASB). Two free tickets will be given away to the winner. One can ask a significant other, or just a friend. Fujii is stoked about the contest to see other people’s creativity, plus “waiting for the winner to be announced is exciting.”

Dance bids (everyone will need one filled out) and Guest bids (for high school students from other schools) are available in AG-5 and/or Treasurer’s Office. Bids take up to three days to get approved, so students are encouraged to have them filled out by Wednesday, December 7. Guest bids are required by that date. The last day to buy a ticket is Friday, December 9 at lunch.