Ashlee started to multitask early
After representing Armijo for Wrestling, Ashlee was looking forward to showing her power in softball.
Ashlee Gutierrez-Hurd had already earned a reputation as an outstanding wrestler who made it to the State championships, but earlier in the spring, she joined Armijo’s softball team. Sadly, the season had to be cancelled early. “I was pretty upset that the softball season got cut short this year because I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with the team, as we usually do,” said Gutierrez.
After the wrestling season, she decided that she wanted to play softball because it looked like a fun sport. “Though I haven’t set any records, it is still a fun sport to play and make friends in,” she said. “I would tell someone that wants to join softball, or honestly any sports, to just go for it. It doesn’t matter if you never played, just trying is enough.” Off campus, Gutierrez also participates in martial arts, like Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
When she graduates from Armijo, she hopes to attend college and eventually become a dental hygienist. While in school, she said that she will probably continue with wrestling, but maybe not softball. “I think it would be fun and interesting to play softball in college, but I feel that you have to be very competitive in the sport to play in college,” she said. Her favorite position to play in softball is in the outfield, mostly in left field.
Gutierrez credits her older sister is called Dyanna and her younger sister Karrisa as her role models. “They {both} face problems head on and never back down no matter the circumstances.” she said.
Over the last couple of months, Gutierrez has faced the COVID-19 crisis boldly, but she is determined not to let it get her down. “A big shout-out to all the coaches and athletes who didn’t get to finish their season,” she said. “It really sucks but we got next year!”

I was born on May 17, 2005, and grew up in Fairfield, California. I have two older brothers and one older sister, so I am the baby of the family. My...