The Mystery during quarantine
Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay
Can you identify this individual, based on our clues? Give it a try… (picture is representative)
While we are not on campus, we are still trying to guess our Mystery Person for the next two issues. Do you think you can identify this student?
The first Mystery Person for May has attended Armijo High School for three years. He enjoys playing basketball, hanging out with his friends, sleeping, eating, and having a good time.
He is very proud of “surviving junior year, making lots of friends, having decent grades, and just being able to help my friends,” he said. Basketball is his favorite sport and Vans is his favorite brand of shoe.
If he had the opportunity to travel, this junior said that he would love to travel to Hawaii, Italy, Japan, and the Philippines. He has already traveled to Japan and the Philippines in the past. He thinks Hawaii and Italy are unique, peaceful, and very beautiful.
As far as favorites, his favorite color is red and his favorite foods are Filipino food and hamburgers. “My favorite music genre is pop, hip hop, et cetera,” said our Mystery Person.
He’s not the only member of his family with Armijo connections. He has a cousin who attended the school and his brother will be attending Armijo next year.
After he graduates high school, our Mystery Person said that he wants to do some fun things. “I would like to have parties with my friends to celebrate our accomplishments,” he said. “Travel to places like L.A., Las Vegas, find a girlfriend. JK, and just enjoy life. I’d do anything that seems fun.”
His educational plans include two years at Solano Community College before transferring to a UC like UC Davis.
If he were to win $1 million, our Mystery Person said that he would buy his mom whatever she wants and save some to invest.
Finally, he encourages people to stay at home and stay safe so we can go back to school and go back to a normal life.
The last Mystery Person was Shreyas Bajracharya who remained a mystery during the last weeks of April.
If you know the Mystery Person for these two weeks of May, be the first person to email Ms. Herring at [email protected] to identify him or her. You will receive a free movie ticket for Edwards Theater when we return to school. Only one prize per issue will be awarded. Journalism students or club members and Armijo teachers and staff do not qualify. Armijo’s Mystery Person will be presented between September and May.

Jolette Villasenor is a sophomore now. She is the Classes & Clubs editor this year, but also serves as a staff writer, interviewing people, researching...