A chance to say Thanks to our educational leaders

AHS Principal Sheila Smith has earned gratitude for her roll.

AHS Principal Sheila Smith has earned gratitude for her roll.

May 1 is a celebration of many things, but one that is often overlooked is School Principals’ Day. Janet Dellaria, a Michigan resident, founded this day to show appreciation to her local school leaders for all the hard work they do to keep the school up and going.

This is an opportunity to thank the educational leaders who are responsible for the success of the schools and the students. One of the traditions to this day is to take a picture with the principal or give him or her gifts. Pictures posted on social media should be shared with #SchoolPrincipalsDay.

All the grade levels celebrate School Principals’ Day from elementary through high school, and can include recognition of the assistant principals as well. While the school buildings are closed, their work has become more important than ever to help things continue running smoothly with distance learning and future plans.

If you’d like to send a Thank You email to one of the official leaders at Armijo, here’s how you can contact them:

Sheila Smith, [email protected] (Principal)

Brad Burzynski, [email protected] (Assistant Principal)

Lisa Davis, [email protected] (Assistant Principal)

Chris Hill, [email protected] (Assistant Principal)

John Lammon, [email protected] (Assistant Principal)