April is National Volunteer Month
The perfect month to volunteer.
April has been identified as National Volunteer Month. This is an opportunity to honor all of the volunteers in the community as well as encourage others to volunteer. In 1991, President George H. W. Bush declared April as National Volunteer Month as part of his Thousand Points of Light campaign.
During the month of April, organizations across the country will recognize their volunteers for helping them achieve their missions. People volunteer for many reasons, but most volunteers find it rewarding to give back to the community in ways that they enjoy.
Lots of people volunteer and help others on their own time. “Not a lot of people have the heart to go volunteer on their own time,” said Julian Lopez. National Volunteer Month can “persuade more kids to volunteer more often.”
Many organizations have age restrictions for volunteering, but clubs like Skate for Change can give students a taste of volunteering. Skate for Change organizes collection drives and distributions for homeless people in our county. Adopt-a-block programs and events through The Matt Garcia Center also provide opportunities for teens to volunteer.
“Helping out the community and volunteering on our own time is so thoughtful. Not a lot of people have the time to help out our community,” said Cadence Aguilar.
During the Shelter at Home situation, opportunities were created where people could share what they had with others or help those in need by purchasing necessary items and delivering them to the elderly or those with compromised health issues.
To find out more about areas and organizations you can volunteer through, check out https://www.dosomething.org/us/articles/volunteer-opportunities-for-teens.
I grew up in Fairfield with a mom and a dad and my younger brother. The first few years after I was born, my family had trouble with money so we would...