A Day to Recognize Cesar Chavez

A painting of Cesar Chavez by Manuel Acosta (1969)

Cesar Chavez was an Arizona farm worker for most of his life, but he became known for being a civil rights leader and activist. He was born on March 31, 1927 and died on April 23, 1993. He is known for being one of the co-founders of the National Farm Workers Association (later the United Farm Workers Union, or UFW). In that position, he helped farmworkers earn rights that had been denied to them in the past.

Because of his great accomplishments, Cesar Chavez Day was declared to honor him on his birthday. While it had been celebrated in California and some other locations in the past, March 31 was declared a federal holiday by President Barack Obama in 2014. On this day, some state government offices, community colleges, libraries, and public schools are closed.

It was not an easy road to becoming a holiday. Rallies were held in 2006 in Los Angeles with the goal of raising awareness in California. Currently, a major obstacle to this day becoming a national holiday is caused by a ruling in Congress that prevents bills with national holiday provisions from being introduced. The holiday proposal would need to overcome that obstacle before legislation can be introduced. As a result, it is an optional holiday in Texas and Arizona. There are celebrations in his honor in Arizona, Michigan, Nebraska, and New Mexico and has been observed in California since 1995, in Texas since 2000 and in Colorado since 2003 as state holidays.

Key community leaders celebrate this holiday by speaking to the public about values that Cesar Chavez showed in his lifetime and how they made a positive impact on society. Discussions, debates and media attention may focus on issues that he was actively involved with. These issues are relevant to Americans today and center on worker’s rights, fair wages, pension benefits, and medical coverage.


