Gardening is the new trend!

Individual flowers speak to our individual nature.

The Garden Club, Lettuce Grow, is all about the Armijo Garden community. The members know that it is their responsibility to plant seeds and take care of all the plants that are there already.

Lettuce Grow is entering its second year. It was started in spring of 2019. Since then, they have grown tremendously. Throughout the year, they organize events with other clubs to highlight the garden and all of its glory. On February 19, for instance, they hosted a Black History Month event at lunch with help from the Art Club.

The group meets Thursdays at lunch in F-5. Sometimes they learn about nutritional facts, gardening skills, or survival skills. At other times it’s just talking about how they feel or the next events. They even have little picnics sometimes and have been planning on getting club t-shirts soon. The Garden club also does little picnics.

Valeria Gonzales said that she joined this club because “the idea of having a nice and peaceful green space in our school sounded very nice,” she said. “I wanted to be part of that.” Gonzales also said that the club advisor, Ms. Sylvia Herrera, was her teacher last year and had always been such an inspiration and a great supporter. Gonzales said that she couldn’t join this beautiful project without her. “I like the Garden Club very much and that it’s like a second family to me,said Gonzales. She also leans on the support of Ms. Herrera and Ms. Michelle Bolden who supports the club.

Khaleemah Rashid Miggins joined because” I’ve always wanted to garden, since I was a young girl,” she said. She is now the president of the club and is proud that the members get a lot done on campus. “It’s a sense of meditation when I am in the garden,” said Rashid Miggins, who would recommend this club to anyone who is interested in giving produce back to Armijo and the community.