Updated message communicates details about COVID-19

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

FSUSD keeps close watch on Coronavirus.

The following message was sent to parents and family members on Tuesday, March 17:

All Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District Families,

All schools in the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District will be closed to students through Friday, April 17th, 2020, which was the previously scheduled final day of Spring Break. The first day back to school for students will be Monday, April 20th, 2020.

At this time, we will still be feeding ALL CHILDREN ages 18 and under starting tomorrow, March 17th, 2020. However, because of the Governor’s recommendation that people who are more vulnerable to COVID-19 should isolate themselves at home, we are reducing the hours and locations of feeding to keep our staff safe. Children will be able to receive food from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM each weekday during closures from only the following schools:

Cleo Gordon Elementary – 1950 Dover Avenue, Fairfield
Fairfield High – 205 E. Atlantic Ave, Fairfield
Fairview Elementary – 830 First Street, Fairfield
Grange Middle – 1975 Blossom Ave, Fairfield
Suisun Elementary – 725 Golden Eye Way, Suisun City

Students – be sure to check your email and Google Classroom for any communications from your teachers.
If you have not heard directly from your teachers, below are assignments and resources you may choose to complete as a way to continue and extend your academics while school is not in session.



This is a continuously changing situation. If you haven’t already, please follow us through these online channels for the most up-to-date information:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/fsusd/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/FairfieldSuisun
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/fsusd/
Website – https://www.fsusd.org/


The following message was sent to parents and family members on Friday, March 13:

March 13, 2020

Attention Solano Families,

In light of the ever-changing situation, Solano County schools will be closed for 2 weeks beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, and ending March 27, 2020. We will make a determination before March 27, 2020, about any further closures.

We did not take this decision lightly and recognize that this may cause a hardship for some families. Each school district and charter school will continue to communicate directly with families and staff with updates about re-opening, learning alternatives, and the availability of school meals.

School administrators across Solano County appreciate the proactive illness prevention steps that our families and staff have committed to. Illness prevention steps make a significant difference in safeguarding the health of our communities, and we encourage continued attention to this effort.

In Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, we will:

  • Feed all students via food pickup services at certain sites (more detailed information will be provided later today)

  • Cancel or postpone ALL school connected events during this 2-week closure

  • Communicate with families at least once a week during the closure

Please follow us through these online channels for the most up-to-date information:


The following message was sent to parents and family members on Thursday, March 12:

March 12, 2020

Dear Solano County Parents, Guardians, and Staff,

Solano County School Districts and Charter Schools are currently working closely with Solano County Public Health, and following recommendations for schools that are based upon information and data specific to Solano County. The status and mitigation of COVID-19 is ongoing and evolves daily. Solano School Districts and Charter Schools are committed to keeping families and staff informed and engaged in illness prevention strategies to keep our school communities as healthy as possible. We are working to respond to this health risk proactively and as a unified community.

Social Distancing Considerations

The recent recommendations from Solano Public Health and the California Department of Public Health are specific to social distancing practices intended to minimize or slow the spread of the COVID-19, especially for our community members who are considered high risk, (individuals that have chronic health conditions and who are older than 60 years of age).

Using Data to Inform Decisions

The United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) shared data in a press conference this week stating that:

  • less than 2% of COVID-19 infected people in China are 19 years or younger
  • 80% of COVID-19 infected individuals presented with mild to moderate symptoms

Current data suggests that school-age children are not a high-risk group, however, Solano schools are taking proactive actions to mitigate risk for students, staff and all members of our communities. We recognize and support the unique needs of every family. Parents and guardians, who have high-risk individuals in their home, may want to consider not participating in school events.

Solano Public Health (SPH) recommendations for schools

  • SPH strongly recommends that students and staff not attend school if they are If you have a child with chronic health conditions, consult your doctor about school attendance.
  • School closures are generally not recommended; however, in certain cases where there is COVID-19 exposure, schools and school district officials will consult with Solano Public Health and the County Office of Education regarding appropriate next

What are the recommendations for large gatherings?

The primary method by which this disease is transmitted involves respiratory droplets from infected individuals. Not all events increase the risk of this type of transmission. For those that do, Solano Public Health recommends postponing or canceling crowded gatherings and community events where large numbers of people, particularly strangers, are within arm’s length of one another. According to the California Department of Public Health, a large gathering refers to 250 people or more.

Therefore, School Districts and Charter Schools will be canceling school events, such as rallies, dances, performances, sports events, etc, and field trips with 250 or more people until the end of March. Regular daily schedules and routines including lunch and recess will continue as normal.

Solano School Districts and Charter Schools will:

  • Instruct participants or event staff to not attend events if they have any respiratory symptoms (cough, cold) or fever
  • Provide handwashing capabilities, hand sanitizers, and tissues whenever possible
  • Clean frequently-touched surface areas
  • Work to provide well-ventilated areas and create physical space to minimize close contact as much as possible

School Districts and Charter Schools will continue to collaborate closely with public health officials and the Solano County Office of Education and may adapt illness mitigation strategies in response to the circumstances specific to their local communities. We will continue to inform, engage, and empower families with factual information and actions we can all take to safeguard the health and wellness of members of our Solano community.