Keto raises the bar with fat intake

Dr. Becky Campbell

Keto meals focus on fats as their main content.

The latest diet craze is Keto. Ketogenic (keto) diet is a low- carb and high-fat diet that has many health benefits.  It is very popular for losing weight because of its results. The Ketogenic Diet was invented by Dr. Russell Morse, who developed his research at the Mayo Clinic.

One of the Keto Diet’s main purposes is to lose fat and preserve body muscle. It can change the way your body stores and uses energy. Some people have lost up to 10 pounds in about 30 days. ”It’s important to stay healthy,” said Cadence Aguilar.

You have to eat 75% of your calories in fat to achieve ketosis. Unlike the common diets, in keto you have to eat fatty foods like fish, eggs, butter, and dairy. Keto-friendly foods include seafood, low carb vegetables, eggs, and meat. Dieters should avoid things like juices, potatoes, grapes, bananas and some other fruits. Grains are to be avoided and carbohydrate intake should be limited to 50 a day or less.

Many researchers have shown that keto has better short-term results than several other diets, but it does have side effects. One of those side effects is known as the keto flu, which usually appears after the first week.  The Keto diet can also increase risks for heart disease and diabetes, although some diabetics use keto to maintain it with no visible risks..

A few doctors have stated that  it may not be best for people to use the Keto Diet for too long because of the health issues, but many people have done it for years and remain healthy.