Armijo to choose between two leaders
Only one junior girl from each school can qualify for this honor.
American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Girls State is a women’s group dedicated to helping veterans and families of people who are in the armed forces. “The program is a weeklong immersive learning experience, often held on a college campus where girls live in “cities” within a dormitory-like setting. The learning, experience, memories, and friendships last a lifetime,” the website explains.
“This is a week-long event and it takes place in Southern California,’’ said Mr. Andrew Tkach, who teaches US History, Race and Social Justice and Edgenuity. “During the week, whoever our representative is will participate in a simulated state government and work with other junior girls from throughout the state to accomplish their fictional policy goals.”
Thirty-six girls were nominated from Armijo to participate in this event and two finalists were chosen: Flor Martinez and Yulianna Torres. Both did well in the interview portion of the selection, but only one will be able to attend the June event. ”I was really nervous because the questions were about the government, and I didn’t feel like I was ready, said Torres.
“I actually heard of this when the principal called me up to the office and told me the teacher had nominated me,” she said.
California’ s Girls State will take place from June 20 – 27 and all expenses will be covered through the local American Legion Auxiliary. This is the 77th session since its inception in