Bad foods that taste so good

Students have been eating Takis for years, despite that they're unhealthy.

Spoon University

Students have been eating Takis for years, despite that they’re unhealthy.

Teenagers are eating a lot of foods that can be very harmful to their bodies. It is important to know what is in your food so you can make sure that you stay healthy. Unfortunately, a lot of unhealthy snacks are extremely popular with teens today.

The most common snacks among high school students are definitely Takis and Hot Cheetos. Hot chips are a favorite for many people, but the excess fats and sodium can have harmful effects on your health. One serving of Takis contains 12% of the daily recommended fat intake. This may not seem like a lot, but on top of the three meals and possible other snacks that you eat throughout the day, that can easily bring you past the recommended amount. It also contains 16% of the daily recommended sodium intake, which is even higher than the amount of fat.

Another popular snack is Cup Noodles. Many students like to microwave their noodles in their favorite teacher’s microwave at lunch, but these instant noodles contain a substantial amount of sodium. One serving of Instant Cup Noodles contains 17% of the recommended daily fat intake, and a whopping 45% of the recommended daily sodium intake. That amount from just one cup of noodles can be terrible for your health if you eat them regularly.

Why are these foods so irresistible? “I know that Takis are really unhealthy, but I just can’t stop eating them because they taste so good,” said Emily Garcia Sánchez. Taste is definitely the most important part of food for most people, which is why these snacks can be so addicting.

“These foods are really good, but we should definitely try to eat them less because I never realized how unhealthy they were,” said Jaime Silva.

If we want to be healthier, we should probably listen to Silva and try to look for healthier alternatives to some of these foods.