A Leap Year’s Military Ball
This year’s military ball is being thrown by ROTC on February 29, 2020 — a date that would be impossible in a year not divisible by four. It rages from 4 – 9 pm at the Jelly Belly Factory. Tickets were available through February 21 for $35, but only members of ROTC and their guests were allowed to attend.
Party-goers who are in ROTC do have to dress formally. Boys are required to wear their service coats, and girls have the option either to do so as well, or to wear a dress. The military ball is being catered with food and will have a DJ.
The planning committee, led by Kehaulani Patenio, and instructed by Staff Seargent Santa will be looking forward to the cadets’ attendance!

Leila Harper is a reader. A resident Californian, she has always been more adept in speaking out in the written form. Now a Senior, she enjoys reading,...