Sexism Stops Here…
Photo by Glen Noble on Unsplash
Theory of Knowledge takes students beyond books.
Women’s Literature is a class at Armijo High School that is only available to seniors and only during second semester. Ms. Sarah Kimple said that they are currently learning about a lot of societal issues for women, like sexism and feminism. The students are starting to read The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison and they are also discussing if a female’s looks matter and how other individuals perceive women.
Taileena Concepcion chose this class because she wanted to go more in-depth with women’s literature than a traditional English 12 Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERCW) class. “This class is actually really fun,” she said. “We discuss things that aren’t really mentioned in other classes and I think that’s pretty cool.” Concepcion’s goals for the end of the semester are to speak more about women’s rights and to pass the class.
There are a lot of group activities, which Concepcion said helps her get to know her classmates. They also begin class with a warm-up every day. Her favorite thing about the class is calling out and discussing problems that women face in our society, including sexual abuse and beauty standards and stereotypes.
Concepcion said that she would definitely recommend this class to others because this generation needs to learn more about the stuff that they are learning in Women’s Literature.