If a hospital is in your future…

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Ms. Sanders makes an impression on her students and their futures.

Future Medical Professionals (FMP) is a club where students interested in pursuing medical professions (surgeons, anesthesiologists, optometrist, and more) come together to learn and get ready for their future paths.

This club teaches students what the medical field is like, including lab days and guest speakers. Labs might include examining structuring or studying the DNA of a strawberry.

Those who join this club can learn about all the types of jobs in the medical field. The purpose of FMP is to inform students about the paths they can take in the medical field and provide them with experience.

Claudia Zavala is a student in FMP. She said that she would recommend this club to “students who are interested in becoming a doctor, anything in the med field or even just wanting to learn about science or chemistry.” Zavala said she joined Future Medical Professionals because she wanted to get a picture of what my career path was going to look like.

Chloe Wills joined because she sees herself as a doctor in the future.

Those interested in FMP can talk to one of two people: The club adviser, Mr. Sherwood Fuellas, who teaches Biology in room D-1, and Victoria Lawson, club president.

The club meets on Mondays in Mr. Fuellas’s room at lunch.