The Fourth Annual Good Character Youth Awards Makes Its Way to Armijo

This year, the Good Character Youth Awards has reached out its hand to Armijo High School, where students who have shown promise of humanity and kindness were humbly recognized. The Youth Awards are in partnership with Rotary, a Fairfield-Suisun program. Nominees of this Award were chosen by surpassing the Rotary Four-Way Test in which, when facing difficult decisions, they ask themselves four ethical questions: Is it the truth? Is it fair? Will it build good will? and Will it be beneficial to others? The ceremony for the winners was on February 7 at the Kroc Center and seven of the 21 students nominated were from Armijo.

One of the nominees was Brandon Martin, who was nominated by MSGT Santa, one of the ROTC teachers in E-2. His assistance to MSGT Santa for the students in ROTC classes is easily worthy of notice. He has taken on, in his own time, rewriting assignments, documents, sign-ups, and forms to Spanish from English for the strictly Spanish-speaking students in the classroom.

Jalyn Hicks, our second nominee, was nominated by Ms. Renee Deger, an English teacher in G-9. “I essentially nominated him,” Ms. Deger said, “to recognize what too often goes overlooked and that is the ability to be kind to his fellow man.” For one’s own acts of benevolence to be noticed in the pursuit of nothing other than a good will is in an honor by itself.

Also honored from our home campus were Hector Mora Urbina, John Salazar, Aidan Salvini, Elvin Valenquela Rios, and Samantha Vasquez.


  • Deger, R. (2020, February 5). Personal interview.
  • Good Character Youth Awards. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2020, from
  • Santa, J. (2020, February 5). Personal Interview.