From Indian To Royal With No Regrets

Kianna Casilang started attending Armijo in August of 2016 as an Indian, but will be graduating as a Royal. She has spent the last four years of her life attending Armijo and said that she has enjoyed her time, but it hasn’t always been comfortable. “I’d like to make Armijo safer,” she said.

The end is in sight and Casilang said that she will miss the clubs and activities that have been available at Armijo, and she offered this advice to the incoming freshmen: “Stay out of trouble’s hands and it won’t be near.”

Casilang has made plans to attend Solano Community College and then transfer to a four-year university. She believes this plan will support her aspirations, as will the money from her current job at Round Table Pizza. And those plans and dreams are just a few months away, a difficult concept when she considers how much she’s grown in the last four years.