Assist-a-Grad reminders from Ms. Anderson
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Plan ahead and set yourself up for some free money for college.
- Go online to
to complete your application. - You cannot send it electronically. You need to type and then print. Handwritten applications will not be accepted.
- Applications (and copies) should be turned in to Ms. Sandy Anderson in the College & Career office no later than March 5th at 3:30. She will check to see if everything is complete.
- On February 12, at 2:15 in the computer lab, Ms. Anderson will hold an Assist-a-Grad (AAG) workshop. Please come to the College and Career Center to sign up. The workshop will go over common mistakes and how to Ace the interview.
- Turn in your application before February 28 to enter your name in a drawing for a prize.
- AAG brochures/guides are available for review. Come to the College & Career at lunch or after school to pick one up.
- Please let Ms. Anderson in the College & Career office know if you have any questions.