Coach Diaz gives his all for his team and his players
Coach Diaz explains strategy to one of his players.
Coach Christian Diaz provides inspiration for the junior varsity (JV) Boys’ Soccer players, but he said that he was inspired by himself.
Coach Diaz said that he thought serving on the team in this capacity would be a great experience, provide new opportunities, and help him develop new knowledge. He said that the hardest part about coaching is doing it all on your own.
Being a coach can be stressful at times, “but at the end of the day you find the beauty in the way the kids play,” he said.
His expectations of the players are high. He expects growth in the sport, but also expects his players to grow better as human beings. He has a great relationship with the team. “I try to be like a big brother to them I hope they see me the same way and I try to set an example for them,” he said.
Coach Diaz uses himself as an example because he didn’t do too well when he was in school but wants to see them succeed. While he encourages them to do well in the classroom as well as the field, he enjoys watching his team members play and seeing them enjoy the sport. He enjoys being a coach, too. It may not always be easy but coaching the team and seeing them enjoy the game encourages him to keep going and see them grow.
Coaching has been a big impact on Coach Diaz because he realizes that he sets an example for the youth. He knows that the experience has been good for him as well as for his players and he plans to continue being in this position for a long time.

Jolette Villasenor is a sophomore now. She is the Classes & Clubs editor this year, but also serves as a staff writer, interviewing people, researching...