Sam Bam, the football man

Sam Bam the Weatherman is a popular personality on the morning broadcasts, but Sam Harrell is more than just a delightful weather broadcaster. He is also an avid football player who will be cheering for his favorite team, the 49ers, during the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 2.

“I´ve been playing football for almost 12 years,” said Harrell, whose years on the field include an off-campus club as well as the Armijo High School team. When he played outside of school, he played for the Suisun City Titans. Other than that he has only played for Armijo.

“My parents are the ones who inspired me to do football and I also do look up to myself a lot because it has been a rough time through football,” he said.

While it is a fun sport, Harrell doesn’t have dreams of playing for a college team, but he hasn’t given up the idea altogether.”

Football is a sport that Harrell recommends because it’s really good for people and being on a team, they can learn a lot. “Besides that,” he said, “it’s fun!”