Alonzo Martin puts his best foot forward as team captain
The opponent can’t touch Alonzo when he is in the zone.
What does it take to be chosen as captain for the junior varsity (JV) soccer team? For current captain Alonzo Martin, it takes trust. He was chosen as captain because he is the most trusted to lead his team. It doesn’t hurt that it is also the only sport that he plays so he can be focused completely on the game and his leadership qualities. “Being captain isn’t too stressful,” he said. “You just have to focus on what you’re doing and lead everyone else.”
Martin likes being captain because he really likes helping out his team. As captain, he is responsible to help out other players and be the leader, but he does it from the field. His position is center mid.
Martin started playing when he was about five years old. He’s been on the Armijo team since his freshman year and hopes to keep playing as a Royal all the way through senior year. His family encourages him in the sport, but he has lot of fun playing it and enjoying games with his friends and teammates.
He gets very well along with all of his teammates and he wants to have a soccer career in his future. He loves that he gets to play with his friends and have fun on the team.

Jolette Villasenor is a sophomore now. She is the Classes & Clubs editor this year, but also serves as a staff writer, interviewing people, researching...
Antonio Peña • Oct 11, 2021 at 10:39 am