Taking a 2020 view at fashion

The Jetsons were set in 2062, so there’s still time to discover these iconic styles.

There used to be a time when people imagined that 2020 was in the distant future, with flying cars and people dressed in Jetson-era clothing. While there will be some changes in the new fashions, it is not nearly what people imagined 50 years ago.

Modern style comes from within and girls dress with way  more confidence. I don’t know if it’s the same for every teenage girl, but I know for sure for me that what I choose to wear during the day can make me feel different ways. If I wear a nice outfit and do my hair nicely, I feel way more confident during the day.  “2020 is going to be a great year and I can’t wait to try on all the new stylish clothing,” said Raquel Cervantez.

The styles for 2020 realistically encourage this confidence. Oversized clothing is making a comeback and is great for girls who are a bit insecure about their body image and might want to hide the belly fat that they don’t like. Oversized or loose clothing can make girls feel more comfortable than tighter clothes and, honestly, it makes us feel more confident and safe in our body.

A popular piece of clothing in 2020 will be the short jacket. They are super-stylish and can make any outfit look cute. They are not too long so that girls don’t have to drag the jacket around when the weather shifts. Without a doubt, short jackets are a must have for 2020.

The most popular color in 2020 is a classic blue. Karla Meza is looking forward to the new season and the new year. “Blue is one of my favorite colors, so I look forward to wearing it a lot in 2020,”  she said.