Steps to Getting a Work Permit

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How to enter the workforce as a high schooler.

In high school, students are not allowed to have a job unless they also have a work permit. A work permit is a document saying that the student legally qualifies to hold a job, whether it is after school, on weekends or during vacations.

A student interested in getting a job should first pick up the work permit form from the guidance office. He or she should then take that form with them when they go out to look for a job. “Make sure the employer fills out their portion on the form,” said Ms. Jenny Uhalde, the Work Experience Coordinator.

After the business has signed the appropriate form, the next step is to have a parent or guardian fill out the required section in pen, not pencil.

When those portions are completed, as well as the student portion, the form should be brought to Ms. Uhalde in F-2. She will be checking for attendance and grades. Students who are looking for a job should have a 2.0 grade point average or better, and good attendance in order to qualify for a work permit, which can become valid on the following school day.

Even with a work permit, there are some restrictions Students need to be at least 14 years old. Those who are 14 or 15 can work no more than three hours a day, and 18 hours an week. Those who are 16 or 17 can work up to four hours a day. Students who are 18 no longer need a work permit and can work more hours, especially if they are doing well in school.