Skate for Change movie night benefits homeless

Skate for Change had scheduled an outdoor movie night on December 6, but due to the potential of rainy weather it was moved into the cafeteria.

Skate for Change adviser Ms. Grace Fahrenthold was pleased with the results. “It was really successful! I think we had around sixty kids who ended up coming,” she said. “We filled both of our buckets full of donations. We got socks, clothing, and even blankets that we will be distributing soon.”

The donations collected that evening were scheduled to go to local homeless people and shelters. Especially now that it’s winter, donations are well appreciated.

The set-up of the movie night was very cozy. There were chairs and blankets and pillows on the ground for the kids. ¨People brought their blankets, too, and did a kind of campout movie night on the gym floor,” said Ms. Fahrenthold. The movie screen was on the stage with the projector playing Avengers: Endgame. Concessions were available in the back of the cafeteria: candy, popcorn, and drinks. The money for concessions went to providing for the homeless, too.