Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is December 20 listing

This sweater gives a whole new meaning to White Christmas.

Ugly Sweater Day is a trend that started in 2011. It is held annually on December 20, although people tend to use it as an excuse to host a party throughout the month. Although it is popular, it is not always comfortable. Jalin Pleasant said that she saw one at Santa’s photoshoot that a child was wearing and it freaked her out.

According to, an “ugly Christmas sweater” is generally a Christmas-themed sweater that “could be considered in bad taste, tacky, or gaudy. It’s only because of ever changing fashion trends that sweaters once deemed acceptable are now considered ugly.”

Abreanna Hall saw a Christmas sweater that had President Trump on it. Ugly sweaters can also be found online of President Trump and President Bush.

For Anita Munoz, when she thought of an ugly sweater, she recalled seeing one “with cats and lights on it.” For Justin McGrath, it was the Grinch

“I saw one with a Christmas tree on it and it had lights that moved and changed different colors,” said Timeria Murphy.

Ugly sweaters are sold everywhere, including Target and Walmart, or can be made. There are also plenty of choices online. If you want to smile and have a good time with everyone you love you will love ugly Christmas Sweater Day.