A Bill to create 10-hour school days

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Longer school days would benefit parents but create challenges for students and teachers.

On November 6, California Senator Kamala Harris proposed a Bill that would extend elementary school days to match with work schedules. In other words, the Family Friendly Schools Act would expand school days from 8 am to 6 pm, adding a total of three hours each day.

Senator Harris claims that this change would lessen the burden on lower-class, working parents who cannot afford child care for the hours that they are still at work.

The bill would include a $5 million grant that would go to extracurriculars, such as athletics, the arts, and engineering. Harris also intends to boost the salary of teachers by up to $13,500. She is working on getting the inputs of teachers and faculty around California school districts to best incorporate her Bill comfortably into their lives.

Senator Harris has many ideas for education reforms, which she promotes regularly in her Presidential election campaign.

