Freshmen choose leaders for 2016 – 2017
From left to right, Alexander Padgett, Kennedy Corley, Nathan Klassen and Jack Curry show they have a lot of school spirit.
The election took place on Wednesday, September 14 in T-2 during 0- Period. Candidates had collected 50 signatures from freshmen who were not in leadership. Then they made a speech to their classmates about their plans as an officer and why they are interested in running for office.
Next the freshman leadership class and advisers asked the candidates questions on how they would be successful in office. The questions mostly involved fundraising and how students from outside of leadership would contribute to incoming projects, like Homecoming and Powder Puff.
Everyone did an amazing job. Mr. Brad Burzynski, leadership teacher, said that he was very proud of those who ran for office. For those who did not win shouldn’t, don’t worry. There is still a chance for running office next year.