Different uniforms for different reasons
Each uniform, each branch is strictly regulated down to the buttons on their jackets.
The Army is bringing back the green uniform that was so popular during World War II. According to https://www.army.mil/uniforms/, they expect these uniforms to be available in April, and worn by soldiers by July.
The combat uniform is being upgraded to include an American flag emblem on the jacket unless the individual is deployed. The jacket must be zipped or closed when worn and cannot have pinned awards shared with sewn awards. The combination of shirt and belt in tan or sand-color, camouflage pants tucked into military boots is suitable for warm weather but each soldier must have three pairs of boots – two for cold weather and one for temperate weather.
The service uniform is made up with dark blue trousers for general officers, light blue for other officers. General officers are expected to wear a dark blue jacket. All officers are expected to wear a satin or silk shirt and a tie in a Windsor, half-Windsor, or four-in-hand knot. This uniform is topped with a specially designed black beret.
Even the physical fitness outfit is mandated. Black shorts and black t-shirts with gold “ARMY” printed on them are to be used in warm conditions. Black and gold long sleeve jacket and gym pants are another option for colder conditions.
The Air Force has something referred to as a “mess dress” uniform, often worn for banquets and other ceremonies that might fall under formal or semi-formal expectations It features a dark blue mess jacket with silver buttons and dress trousers for males, or an evening length skirt for females. This ensemble includes a satin Air Force Blue bow-tie for males or tab for females.
The service uniform is a three-button coat, with silver U.S. pins on the lapels, matching trousers, and either a service cap or a flight cap, all in Air Force Blue. A light blue shirt and herringbone necktie completes the outfit.
According to Wikipedia, a new camouflage print will be worn by the Air Force by April 2021. “Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP), originally codenamed Scorpion W2, is a military camouflage pattern adopted in the mid-2010s by the United States Army… The United States Air Force is also replacing their current pattern for their Airman Battle Uniform… in OCP after positive feedback from airmen who wore the uniform while being deployed to Afghanistan with Army soldiers.”
For Physical Training (PT), the Air Force wears shorts in Air Force Blue with silver reflective stripes and an ID pocket. These are paired with light-grey T-shirts with reflective Air Force logos on the upper left portion of the chest and across the back. Additional pieces include a blue jacket with white piping and blue pants with silver reflective stripes.
The Navy has service dress uniforms in blue or white. The difference between the blue and white service dress uniforms is that blue is worn year-round to all official functions while the white is to be worn during the summer. The basic service dress uniform is a blue dress jumper, a white crew neck undershirt, neckerchief with matching trousers and a white hat. Women wear the same thing. For the white uniform, it is a white dress jumper, white trousers, a white crew neck undershirt, black neckerchief.
For combat, the Navy wears a ‘working’ uniform. This uniform is unisex, worn by both men and women. According to www.public.navy.mil.com, it should be worn while conducting official business, when business attire is appropriate and participating in social events is not permitted. The combat uniform includes NWU III shirt, matching pants with a matching eight point cap. They are required to wear a coyote brown crew neck undershirt. The last name of the person is embroidered on their chest along with ‘U.S. Navy’ on the opposite side.
The formal uniforms that the Navy wears are worn to official functions when civilians normally wear a black tie. This is optional to wear in the winter when you don’t want to wear the Dinner Dress Blue or White. The formal uniform, ‘Dinner Dress Blue Jacket’ includes a blue dress coat, blue evening trousers, a white dress shirt and a black bow tie. The Dinner Dress White includes a white dress jacket, buttoned up around a white dress shirt. A black bow tie should be around the neck and paired with matching white formal trousers. Rating badge and service stripes are embroidered in the white jacket. You are required to wear your medals on your chest.
Other formal uniforms are Dinner Dress Blue and Dinner Dress White. This uniform can also be used as a Winter Uniform. This includes a blue dress jumper with a white crewneck undershirt, matching blue trousers and a black neckerchief. You are required to wear a white cap. The Dinner Dress White is the same uniform except instead of blue, it’s a white color, paired with a white cap and black dress shoes.
In PT, the Navy wears a gold colored PTU shirt, blue colored PTU shorts, athletic socks and shoes. The shirt is to be tucked into the shorts and the shorts have to be fully around your waist. Women are required to wear the uniform as the men. The women have to wear a bra under their shirt. For winter, The Navy is required to wear a gold PTU long sleeve or a ‘Navy’ sweatshirt and ‘Navy’ sweatpants. The sweatshirt and sweatpants are blue with gold lettering.
The Marines, according to www.marines.mil.com, wear service combat uniforms that they call cammies, or camoflauge.
For dress uniforms, they have different styles, all designed around the Blue Dress A style with “a long-sleeved midnight blue coat (enlisted members have red trim) with a standing collar and white web belt (with corresponding by rank gold waist plate) for enlisted; midnight blue for officers with a gold M-buckle, white barracks cover (a peaked cap), plain white shirt, sky blue trousers (midnight blue for general officers), white gloves, and black dress shoes and socks. Full-sized medals are worn on the left chest, with ribbon-only awards worn on the right. As the Marine Corps Combat Marksmanship Program (MCCMP) requires all Marines to both earn and annually maintain high proficiency using all individual weapons (e.g., rifles, sidearms, and attachments) and whilst different levels exist for both classifications, all USMC personnel have earned their Marksmanship Qualification Badge(s)s, but these are not worn. Women wear pumps in place of shoes, and may wear a skirt in place of slacks. For men, the dress coat is cut to be form-fitting,” according to Wikipedia. Slight variations affect the other Blue Dress designs. Officers also have an Evening Dress uniform for special occasions.
A service uniform, which is basically a khaki-colored suit, is worn for business purposes, like court appearances and official visits.
The PT uniform is traditional shorts and t-shirt or sweats in olive-drab with the associated logos.