Guess who he is, win a free movie ticket!

This is September's Mystery Person. She kept herself a secret, but she's worth getting to know!

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This is September’s Mystery Person. She kept herself a secret, but she’s worth getting to know!

This Month’s mystery person is a freshman here at Armijo High School. He has a younger sister and the first member in his family to attend Armijo.
This student hardly has any interests at all, but he does have a thing with video games. As soon he gets home, he goes straight to his room and starts with whatever he want to play. His favorite type of games are ones that involve a lot of strategy. He is also a huge fan of Pokemon. If he had the chance he would be playing Pokemon Go for almost 24/7. If he won a million dollars, he would spend half of it on video games and the other half saving it.
The other half of the money savings is that he would go to college, he hasn’t figured out what college he would want to go to yet, and he´s planning on being an engineer, or construction. He does have a huge interest on video games, so he also plans on doing coding after high school.

September’s Mystery Person was sophomore Jazz Smith who remained a mystery throughout month. If you know this month’s Mystery Person, go to G-10. The first person to correctly this individual will receive a free movie ticket at Edwards Theater. Only one prize per month will be awarded. Journalism students or club members and Armijo teachers and staff do not qualify. Armijo’s Mystery Person will be presented between September and May. Prizes will be available to the first person that correctly identifies the individual from the description given. Submission cannot be taken during class time but will be accepted between classes, before and after school.