Art in our own backyard

According to the Oxford Dictionary, “Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”

At Armijo, we have plenty of examples of art, from the pieces that have been on campus for years to the grafitti that we find in the bathrooms or on the desks. All of these are some form of expression, while not all are sanctioned. This three-piece mosaic has been at Armijo for several years, highlighting the activity that happens in the art rooms on either side. But in spite of its clear beauty and purpose, it is often overlooked, having become part of the landscape for many Armijo students and staff.

At the end of A-hall is a story that represents the Mayan history. It seems to portray a lot of the myths and legends that go with the culture of the ancestors of the South American people. Since this hall is primarily used for language classes, it is a fitting piece of work, and it is relatively new to the campus.

Another recognizeable piece of art on campus resembles an ancient tablet. It seems to be carved from a block of stone and is reminiscent of the art work of early people, perhaps Assyrians or Egyptians. Like the mosaic, it has been at Armijo for so long that few can remember a time when it wasn’t hanging on the wall next to JS-1.


Artwork has always been an important part of the Armijo experience, as is evidenced by the annual painting of the blacktop by seniors in their last few weeks on campus. Those are painted over every year, when the new seniors make their way into their last days.

It hasn’t always been pleasant to lose some of the artwork. T-1 and T-2 had hosted a mural several years ago that was painted over when graffiti artists kept destroying it. More recently, a mural that was fairly new became a victim to the recent renovations at Armijo. When the annex was painted, the Armijo AHS mural was covered.

In a few months, we will start to see images of Indians slowly disappear, and new images will appear, but these images will be memories of the artistic appreciation that has always come to the surface at Armijo High School.