DVD Review (Criterion Collection)
The cover of the dvd with all of what it includes.
What we seem to forget is just how films are amazingly diverse in terms of genres. Movies can be made for literally every type of person; they can be made for those who love action, comedy, romance, as well as romantic comedy, comedic action, romantic action, and those that create even more combinations, even if you only look into the mainstream films.
As we all know, movies can also be made by the truly passionate, those dedicated to the craft. While you might not feel like pirating these movies, you might feel obligated to buy a DVD or even Blu-ray.
Those are fine ways to watch great movies, but wouldn’t you like an alternative way to watch the movie where there are a large amount of special features as well? What you want are movies in the Criterion Collection, only for the most acclaimed and artistic of movies.
Perhaps you are wondering what movies technically qualify for the Criterion Collection, and, to be honest, it’s a little hard to pinpoint. Yes, there library consists of a large amount of underground movies; some of the other movies include revolutionary movies for genres. Movies like Godzilla and Police Story got the Criterion treatment due to being revolutionary for the time. Most recent movies don’t get the treatment unless they’re really outstanding or already tied to acclaimed directors.
If these types of movies are your thing, you can order them off their official website or go to Barnes & Noble. Unfortunately, their regular DVD’s cost $30, with their Blu-ray close to $10 more, but, as I said, they come with a plethora of special features to enhance the experience. It’s a relatively small price to pay for watching movies in the best possible way. They also have great cover art most of the time.