Luis Grijalva – Reaching new heights captured Luis on film at this September 19 event. How fast will he go on December 10?
Being a senior and one of the fastest members of the Cross Country team, running is second nature for Luis Grijalva. His list of accomplishments in Cross Country and Track will go on and on but his biggest accomplishment was running sixth place at the California State Track Championships with a one mile time of only 4 minutes and 7 seconds. Even with this amazing achievement, Grijalva still plans to keep improving his running and raise his speed to the next level. “My biggest goal is to become the California State Champion or maybe even National Champion”. However, these achievements and goals would not be possible without serious dedication. “Off-season? I train year round”, he said, when asked about what he does in the off-season. “I might take a 1 week break, and then keep running a lot of miles to build up my base”. His plans for the upcoming season is to be ranked #1 in the San Joaquin section, rank #1 in the state, and to run the fastest times possible. Throughout his 4 years on the Armijo Cross Country team, Grijalva’s favorite memory was a few weeks ago when he ran 3 miles in just 13 minutes and 58 seconds at the Woodbridge Cross Country Classic, which is the fastest time in the nation.
In addition to Cross Country, Grijallva also participates in Track & Field. With running being such a big part of his life, he plans to keep pursuing his running career to college and beyond. After he graduates in June, Grijalva plans to get a full ride scholarship to a Colorado University, Portland University, or Sacramento State University.