All in a Name: Soaring in high school

Amber enjoys her name and the nickname that she's earned.

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Amber enjoys her name and the nickname that she’s earned.

Amber is a beautiful golden colored substance. Birds come in many colors. Put the two words together and it is the name of one of our Armijo High School students, Amber Byrd.  

According to, in the United States there are over 250,000 people with the first name Amber, making it statistically the 272nd most popular first name. On the other hand, less than 110,000 people have the last name Byrd, although it is still the 311th most popular last name. It is estimated that only 87 people have the name Amber Byrd and one of them has roosted right here at Armijo.

Her last name comes from her father’s side of the family, but she has earned the nickname “Tweety Bird” after the Loony Tunes character.

Despite the teasing that sometimes comes with a name, and a nickname, like that, Byrd said that she loves her name and doesn’t care what people think or have to say about it. She shared that she would never give up or change her name, partly because it is definitely easy to pronounce. In all her life, she said, no one has ever mispronounced it.

Byrd went to Crystal Middle School and joined the Armijo family in fall as a freshman, with a typical freshman schedule. If all goes well, she won’t be flying away from Armijo until 2023 but, in the incoming years, she has a chance to soar.