Video Games Meet Animals
Video games, the pure bastion for creativity and fun.
And animals, used in a variety of fictional things from metaphors to spiritual symbols and beyond.
Of course, these two popular concepts would be combined sooner or later, in a multitude of ways, yet what about video games featuring animals, or at the very least
ones in which they are the main focus of the entire thing?
This was a very difficult article for me because there’s a special event going on in Crash Team Racing and I really need to grind for Spyro. Also the term for animal video games is pretty broad, but I managed to find three games pretty easily, so that wasn’t a hassle.

The first one has animal in the name, which is why it’s the first one. Animal Crossing is a series about starting life in a town of animals trying to get out of debt from a raccoon. It is exclusive to Nintendo consoles. You can experience the joys of a small town while doing odd jobs for your neighbors, decorating your small home, or changing the systems clock so you can play the game at night. You have to do that since the game runs in real time, making it pretty ambitious. I recommend this game to people who love cute stuff and who have way too much time on their hands, plus a new version is coming to the Switch in 2020.

The next game is a more obscure one, exclusive to the PS3. Tokyo Jungle is a game where you play as different animal trying to hunt and survive in a human-less Tokyo. You can discover how long you survive in survival mode, or play as a variety of different animals in different scenarios and find out what truly happened to the humans. I only recommend this game to the most hardcore of the gamers and to those who have a PS3 and haven’t sold it off yet
Finally, we look at the Wii and DS exclusive games, Simanimals and its sequel, Simanimals Africa. Obviously these play very differently from your standard SIMS
game, being more about mini-games and item management than life simulation. If that sounds like your type of thing this game is pretty cheap on Amazon.
When you combine the terms “animal” and “video games,” you never know what you’ll come up with, but the only thing that truly matters if the game is good or not.