How freshmen can get on the ballot for class elections
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Freshmen are encouraged to run for leadership positions at the beginning of September.
Freshmen will get to choose their class officers by voting on Wednesday and Thursday, September 19 and 20, but it is not too late for them to submit an application to be on the official ballot. Mr. Casey Towner, Leadership teacher, has applications and hopes to reveal the names of the candidates at the beginning of September. He is looking for students who show traits of leadership.
Qualities of a leader include honesty, integrity, creativity, innovation, confidence, commitment, and passion. Prospective leaders also inspire others and have optimism. Offices that are open for election are Class President, Class Vice President, Class Secretary and Class Treasurer. While all students can be considered to run for any of the offices, the 31 freshmen in Leadership are seen to be the most likely candidates.
Before students can vote, they will have some time to hear speeches from the candidates on Monday and Tuesday, September 16 and 17.

I was born on May 17, 2005, and grew up in Fairfield, California. I have two older brothers and one older sister, so I am the baby of the family. My...