Club Fair is being planned for later this month
Photo by phil sheldon on Unsplash
Watch the bulletin to discover when the annual Club Fair will be held.
A new school year means a new chance to get involved in clubs and sports. Armijo traditionally holds a Club Fair in early to mid-September to give freshmen and other students the opportunity to make the high school experience much more enjoyable by finding a place to fit in, but it isn’t just for new students.
While freshmen may be having their first introduction to the opportunities available, sophomores, juniors and seniors can also experience new clubs and be discover some they may have overlooked. The Club Fair also provides a chance to get extracurriculars checked on college applications.
The event is held during lunch in the library quad. A diverse selection of clubs to suit every person’s interests will be represented. The expected line-up includes art, drama, robotics, athletics and more.
Some clubs are designed around activity while others are based on creativity. Those who cannot find a club that suits their interests might consider creating one with some friends. Mr. Casey Towner, Leadership advisor, can provide the materials needed to get a club started, something that could be featured at the upcoming Club Fair. Mr. Towner can be found in AG-5.