Senior Spotlight: Slowing Life Down to Pause

Joel Bejarano Alanis

As Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

After years of being an active student at Armijo, Charlyn Doyon has decided to take things easier in her senior year. “I am more focused on my classes, work and hanging out with friends,” she said. “My favorite memory about Armijo is the time when I watched a football game with my friends. Sophomore year was the best!”

While she is not as active at school as she was as an underclassman, Doyon does continue to keep busy. “I like to lift, since I go to the gym a lot,” she said. “I like going to places with nice scenery… I like swimming, as well.”

Stepping down from all of the activity at school may be a well-deserved rest for Doyon, as she will be going to Napa Valley College in the fall to start studying nursing. There, she hopes to earn her Associates degree before transferring to a four-year university. After that, she wants to start her career and pursue her Master’s degree.

While she wishes that the school restrooms were cleaner, she would still encourage students to take advantage of the positives that the school has to offer every year. “Enjoy high school and have fun!”