DVD Review: Julie and Julia

The season of family dinners is here. Many of us have just finished a big turkey dinner- complete with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, mac and cheese, etc…. So, with everyone’s mind revolving around food, it seems fitting to write a DVD review about the Queen of Cooking herself- Julia Child.


Julie and Julia is a movie based off of the two seperate lives of Julie Powell (Amy Adams) and Julia Child (Meryl Streep). Julie’s story is set in post 9/11 New York, where she works in insurance helping victims of 9/11 and their families. She hates her job, but finds joy in cooking- specifically in cooking French food. So, her husband suggests that Julie begin a blog, which follows her 1 year project of cooking every recipe in Julia Child’s cookbook- Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Her story then follows her journey throughout that year.


Julia’s story, however, is mostly set in post WWII Paris, where she recently moved with her husband, Paul (Stanley Tucci).The movie follows her adjustments to France, her classes at the Cordon Bleu, and (with the help of Beck and Bertholle) the creation of her world famous cookbook.


The movie is beautifully written, and the extraordinary cast gives the characters such depth that you won’t be able to help falling in love with them. So whether you love to cook, or simply love an amazing movie, give Julie and Julie a shot- it won’t disappoint!