Andrew Reguera is on Par

Joel Bejarano Alanis

Andrew’s goal is to have fun, and if he can do it while playing golf, all the better.

The teams for high school golf are much smaller than most of the teams for other sports, but even in that small setting, there are always those who stand out. Andrew Reguera is one of those students.

“I chose golf because I grew up with it,” he said. “I have played golf ever since I could hold a club.” Although he had lots of individual experience, though, this is the first time he has played for any team. He said that he hopes to continue playing for a team in college, maybe at UC Berkeley or the University of Nevada – Las Vegas (UNLV). Wherever he goes, he hopes to become a police officer if he isn’t a professional golfer on the PGA (Professional Golfers Association) tour.

He used to play baseball, but now he’s more likely to be playing paintball or video games in his spare time.  If others asked him about getting involved in a sport, Reguera said that he would tell them to “do whatever you want at your own pace, take time to practice and choose a sport you will enjoy playing.” He also said that he would encourage people to try out for golf because “it’s not as boring as it seems.”

So far, Reguera said, his most memorable game was the time they faced Will C. Wood last season. “I did the best out of everyone that day and it made me pumped,” he said. That’s the kind of confidence he would like to see in other students at Armijo, hoping that they would not let things at school hold them back.

Reguera has three siblings: Jacob (15), Alyssa (23) and Tyler (25). He said that his role model is his mother.