Updated Cheer Info: Clinic and Try-Out Dates Have Changed

Updated dates are not reflected in the attached image

Want to show all the school spirit and join our cheer squad?! Check out this flyer, but look below for all the dates:

On April 30 from 6 – 7:30pm, there is a mandatory student/parent meeting in the library,

Monday,  May 6 – 3:30 – 4:30 pm in the Cafeteria: This is the last day to turn in all of your paperwork before try-outs. Students will receive their try-out numbers.

From  Thursday and Friday, May 9 and 10, AND Monday and Tuesday, May 13 and 14, there will be a daily Cheer Clinic from 5 – 7 pm in front of  the cafeteria.

OnWednesday,  May 15, Cheer Try-Outs will be held from 4 – 7 pm in front of the cafeteria. New Team announcement @10:30pm on IG @armijocheer

Make sure you create an athletic clearance account on athleticclearance.com and choose 2019-2020 cheer for your clearance. You will need a completed physical by your doctor uploaded to your account. Check your school email from March 11 for a blank copy to print and complete.

**If you make the team, your 1st payment will be due on Thursday May 16 and there will also be a mandatory student/parent meeting from 5 – 7 pm that day, location TBD.

Any questions let Coach Matthew Powell know, location of tryouts will change (no gym), please be flexible.