The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Joint the crowd at Hogwart’s in Universal Studios.

J.K. Rowling’s magical series of Harry Potter has expanded beyond the books. Not only is there the spinoff play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, but there is also a Harry Potter themed land at Universal Studios. The Universal Parks in Orlando, Hollywood, and even Japan are now home to the magical world of Harry Potter.

Any Harry Potter fan can see the locations from the book come to life. Destinations like Diagon Alley, the Hogwarts Express, and Hogsmeade are a few of the places that make The Wizarding World of Harry Potter any fan’s dream.

The Wizarding World at Universal Studios brings a lot of iconic spots from the book to life, one being the shops. The famous shops from Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade are filled with memorable items mentioned in book. There’s the colorful HoneyDukes candy store with chocolate frogs, jelly slugs, and exploding bonbons. Weasley Wizard Wheezes, the prank store. There’s even Ollivanders Wand shop, where you can get your own interactive wand to use around the park.

Besides the stores, there are restaurants like the Leaky Cauldron and The Three Broomsticks that are home to the classic butterbeer drink. To take you to all these spots is the famous Hogwarts Express train. Lastly, the pride and joy is Hogwarts itself, at the very end of it all. The towering castle is even the home of The Wizarding World’s main attraction. The land transports you to a magical world that readers have dreamed about coming true.

The Wizarding World also has themed attractions. The Forbidden Journey is located inside Hogwarts itself. The line is interactive as you walk through the different parts of the castle. The thrilling and dark ride takes you along with characters as they save Hogwarts. The Flight of the Hippogriff is a more family friendly roller coaster but just as amazing. You fly with the Hippogriffs just like Harry did. Besides attractions there’s entertainment around the park such as the Triwizard Spirit Rally, Frog Choir, and more.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Is a whimsical place where dreams become reality.