Martin Luther King Jr. Life and Achievements

The LIFE Images Collection/Getty

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking. (Photo by Julian Wasser/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images)

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is an inspirational role model whose legacy continues to demonstrate the importance of fighting for a cause. He’s famously known for being a Civil Rights activist and writing the “I Have a Dream” speech. Despite the risks, he led strikes and boycotts and delivered speeches to empower the Civil Rights Movement to new heights. His legacy continues to live and inspire people to find their strength and lead important cause.

Dr. King influenced American society in countless ways, one being the Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike. African-American workers received low pay, were discriminated against and worked in terrible conditions. This grew into a strike where King came to speak and support the workers. The strike lasted 64 days and received attention from the media, other supporters, and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. When the strike ended, Memphis agreed to the workers’ new terms. The successful strike drew supporters and recognition towards the movement, making it one of the major Civil Rights events.

Dr. King also led a boycott against the Montgomery Bus systems segregation of seats. You may be familiar with this event as it famously received attention from Rosa Parks, an African-American who refused to give up her seat. It rapidly became a citywide boycott and African-Americans refused to ride the bus until the rules were changed.

One of King’s most recognized achievements is his “I Have a Dream” speech. In 1963 Civil Rights leaders, including Dr. King, marched in Washington D.C. where citizens were protesting against workplace discrimination, racial separation in schools, and minimum wages for all.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will forever be a part of American history with his commitment to peace and equality for all.