Video Game: A Possible Future, Maybe?



Students need to know what they want to do in the future. Those who don’t have jobs in the real world might take advantage of Job Simulator, a game by Owlchemy Labs. This game allows you to practice for that future, the very distant future.

Several job options are available to play. The game takes place where everyone is a floating TV-screen with a face. It takes place in a nameless futuristic town. The jobs can be kind of realistic if you look past the TV-screen-faced robots.

In the fast food place, players make food for other floating TV-screens with faces. Their mouths don’t open though; they just make the food disappear with their faces. It gets hard — really REALLY hard — to the point where it seems impossible, if you do it over and over and over again. Also, it’s apparently very far into the future and they still use blenders and ovens.

The mechanic one is boring. You put a car together and the only fun part is when you test-drive the car.

Someone might find the building part exciting, but I personally found it tedious.

The convenience store part is fun, sometimes. It, too, is tedious but. Instead, it is fun until it gets to be so. Also, however many years into the future this is supposed to be, they are still using cash registers. And for some reason the robot TV-screen faces need to go to the bathroom, which is only an inconvenience if the line is long because everyone will get mad, but what’s good is that you can throw stuff at everyone in every one of these games.

The office one has a printer where you can make an exact copy of anything, except for money because that would be cheating, but there is so much stuff to throw at people in this one so it’s great.

The game is good, and I would suggest it, if you are looking to pass the time for like an hour.