Armijo asked again to provide relief

Update: We collected $457.93 today during 2nd period on Thursday, October 5, to be donated to “Direct Relief” for their efforts in Mexico after the earthquakes. 

We can accept checks through Friday, October 6, made out to “Direct Relief.”
Please bring them to E-3, or let Ms. Walling-Sisi know and she can come pick them up.
Direct Relief is the highest rated international non-profit providing humanitarian aid in Mexico. They have an A+ rating and, because they have a private donor who covers all their administrative costs, 100% of your donation will go toward the relief effort.
Thank you to all those who contributed. Armijo is always so generous.
Ms. Walling-Sisi will send an update if the total changes by 3pm Friday, when she sends the checks.

Thursday, October 5th, during 2nd period, members of Armijo International Club will be visiting every classroom and office to collect cash donations for the relief effort in Mexico. As you know, several Mexican cities have been devastated by earthquakes and they need our help. We will be sending our donations to the highest rated non-profit organization, “Direct Relief.”

For info see:

Checks made out to “Direct Relief” will also be accepted.
Thank you for your generosity and support. Our last collection raised over $1100 for hurricane relief!