DVD: Emotions from both sides

Inside Out is a movie is about a happy, hockey-loving 11-year old Midwestern girl named Riley whose world changes when her family moves to San Francisco. Rather than focusing on the outer behavior of this child, the movie shares what goes on inside her heart and head and introduces the audience to her emotions.

One of those emotions is Joy who tries to lead Riley into thinking positive during this difficult transition. Stress, however, takes its turn and Sadness makes her appearance, too. Once Joy and Sadness conflict, other emotions – Anger, Fear, and Disgust – are left in the charge of Riley’s thoughts.

This movie was released on June 19, 2015. I love this movie because it teaches how sometimes the way one acts or feels towards others can affect what a person does. The only way to fix problems related to behavior is to be aware of what one did and learn from it.