Fall Baseball meeting September 7


Photo by Mike Bowman on Unsplash

Baseball in Fall leads to awesome in Spring.

Students interested in playing baseball for Armijo are invited to come to B-1 at lunch on Wednesday, September 7. “I would like ALL students interested to come to the meeting REGARDLESS of what other sports you are playing now or during winter,” said Coach Casey Towner.

Fall Baseball is scheduled to start on Monday, September 12. This includes weight room, on-field practice, conditioning, and scrimmages with Armijo players and other schools. Coach Towner will be handing out the entire fall schedule and answering all questions at the lunch meeting.

There are no cuts during Fall Baseball. It is a perfect time to come and work on skills and prepare for the Spring season. Potential athletes are encouraged to try out, even if they have not played in a while! “We are looking for players that have a good work ethic and a positive attitude!” said Coach Towner. “Come be part of a team, and learn that hard work pays off!”