Leadership prepares for Teacher Appreciation Week

What is a school without teachers? Teachers are the driving force behind our education and learning. They help us develop skills that we keep for the rest of our lives. Starting Monday, March 13,  Armijo High School will be “celebrating” Teacher Appreciation Week. As part of the week, the Leadership Class organizes numerous activities and plans special gifts to give to ALL the faculty at Armijo, not just for teachers. Associated Student Body (ASB) President Alexis Saepharn is heading the committee that is putting on  the week’s festivities.
“We are definitely promoting everyone to see how much the Armijo staff cares for us and we want them to be the focus of the week,” Saepharn said. “We attempt to do this with the little things like making posters, granting ‘staff wishes’ and going around to all the classes to give breakfast” (to the teachers and staff.) Each staff member receives a decorated poster. To make the week even more special, the leadership students attempt to grant all 3 of the wishes that each staff member proposes.

Of all the great things throughout the week, the most appreciated and famous one is the breakfast that gets delivered to each faculty member’s office or classroom. Saepharn explained, “On the Tuesday of that week, we go around with a cart full of breakfast goodies such as coffee, doughnuts, and fresh fruit. A lot of the staff members are surprised when we offer them food and I think it’s one of the things we do that never disappoints.”

Topping off the eventful week is a luncheon on the last day of the week, Friday, March 17. The luncheon offers a delicious meal from a caterer, and teacher superlatives are awarded. Kiana Sabugo, a committee head, put forth an update and said the committee “recently decided on a theme for our luncheon and we’re now discussing potential caterers to serve our beloved faculty!” both a breakfast and luncheon take place for all the staff.

When asked what her favorite part about the week is, committee head Awesta Elfar said, “Being able to see the teachers so overjoyed by the little things we do for them…This week is so important because the teachers and staff members at our school are often overlooked and underappreciated, but we often don’t realize the magnitude of importance of these people in our lives.”

Saepharn , Sabugo, and Elfar pointed out how a lot of students don’t recognize how important the staff are because we are so used to them being present.  Saepharn said, “The significance of the week is that we try to treat our staff and care for them as they do for us students all year.”