Naviance can be your best friend


Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Checking Naviance and email should be a priority for seniors.

Seniors, requesting your final transcripts is done using Naviance. Here is the link on how to log in and how to request them.

“In addition, I am sending information on how important it is to create an account for each college applied and to check your portal,” said Ms. Sandy Anderson, College and Career adviser.  “After you submit your applications, many colleges will send you an email with login information to an admissions portal.”

Seniors should check email DAILY at this point because nobody wants to miss an important message!

The portal will contain important information – this is where they will tell students if the application is missing something, like a transcript, counselor recommendation or test scores.  “They might even tell you that you are admitted through your portal – without ever sending you an email!” said Ms. Anderson.

Check your email for a message from [email protected] on March 14 for detailed instructions.